
Surviving the “Coronavirus 15”

Surviving the “Coronavirus 15”

Here are tips for avoiding the Coronavirus 15 At about this time in the quarantine process, you are probably: worried about the fact that you’ve done nothing but eat and drink for daysbored, listless, and unmotivatedsad, lonely, and paranoid that you are starting to...

The Keto Diet. What’s the Hype? 

The Keto Diet. What’s the Hype? 

Macronutrient Ratio: 70% Fat, 15% Protein and 5% Carbohydrate Maybe you have been introduced to the keto diet by a friend or took notice to the growing fad while scrolling through social media. To some, this diet appears to be a miracle cure while others express...

Go Red in February…Go Heart Healthy With These Tips

Go Red in February…Go Heart Healthy With These Tips

Go Red for Women is the American Heart Association's global initiative to end heart disease and stroke in women.  The program was launched in 2004 to close the gap in awareness. Go Red quickly expanded into a worldwide movement dedicated to removing the barriers...

Set Your New Year’s   Resolution Goals The SMART Way

Set Your New Year’s Resolution Goals The SMART Way

This is your year!  And, do you know when it comes to New Year’s resolutions and setting goals, weight loss is the number one most enthusiastic goal?  Though weight loss is the most popular, ambitious goal, research shows that only 20% of goal setters...

Boost Your Immune System With These 5 Foods

Boost Your Immune System With These 5 Foods

I believe the best way to stay healthy is by choosing an array of foods to boost your immune system because not all foods are created equally.  Of course, it’s important to consume antioxidant-rich foods, such as fruits and vegetables, which also provide many of...

Do You Know What’s in Your Wine?

Do You Know What’s in Your Wine?

It’s the most wonderful time of the year – spending quality time with family and friends, gift giving and receiving, and holiday parties. As the busy holiday season rolls in, the champagne is uncorked and the wine begins to flow. But how much do you know about the...

Easy Meal Solutions 

Easy Meal Solutions 

Are you finding it difficult to cook for yourself and your family? If so, I have some easy solutions for getting your meals together in a jiffy. Planning what you are going to eat ahead of time may seem like a lot of work, but it’ll save you time later and you will be...

Holiday Strategic Stay Fit Plan

Holiday Strategic Stay Fit Plan

The holiday season is around the corner y’all!  I love this time of year because there are so many fun parties, get-togethers and festive events to attend. I believe it’s important, though, to stay on your usual stay-fit plan to get you through the season with...

What’s Your Body Type?

What’s Your Body Type?

I recently had the opportunity to attend Dr. DicQie Fuller’s work shop, WHAT IS YOUR BODY TYPE?  After learning more about this research and discovering my own unique body type, I decided to incorporate this component into my practice.  As a...

Three Simple Steps To The Perfect Smoothie

Three Simple Steps To The Perfect Smoothie

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day and we all know we should eat it, right?? Well, I have always been a big breakfast eater, but on most days with my busy, hectic schedule, I turn to a breakfast smoothie for a quick and healthy fix. Having...

10 Easy Food Swaps to Kick Start Your Weight Loss

10 Easy Food Swaps to Kick Start Your Weight Loss

Just because you're trying to lose weight, it doesn't mean you have to sacrifice all the good foods you usually love eating.  Being too strict on your diet and trying to avoid too many of your favorite foods all at once can be overwhelming. I encourage my clients...

Fish Twice a Week is Still Good for Heart Health

Fish Twice a Week is Still Good for Heart Health

If you’ve traveled outside the U.S. you know that fish is a staple of many  diets around the world, and for good reason. As a registered dietitian-nutritionist and a fish lover, I encourage my clients to enjoy the heart health benefits of fish. Though some of my...

Why blueberries are so important to your health

Why blueberries are so important to your health

It’s National Blueberry Month!  Blueberries are one of the best foods to fight the signs of aging because they contain more antioxidants than any other fruit, according to a study by Tufts University.   Antioxidants are important because they protect...

How to Turn Back the Clock on Aging

How to Turn Back the Clock on Aging

Do you see the signs of aging? Though we can’t stop it from happening, we can start reversing its effects.  One way to go into aging reversal mode is to eat a diet filled with nutrient-rich, super foods that protect your cells and lead to better immunity,...

Make Your Thanksgiving Meal a Treat Meal

Make Your Thanksgiving Meal a Treat Meal

    Thanksgiving is a time for each of us to pause, reflect in gratitude, and enjoy the company of family and friends – over a wonderful meal, of course. Clients ask me, “Can I make Thanksgiving a cheat day?" I reply, “no, you really shouldn’t.” Instead, I...

Get Fit 21

Get Fit 21

As a registered dietitian nutritionist, I have been working in the wellness field for many years with consistent, lasting results for my clients. This year, along with a team of forward-thinking professionals, I'm helping launch this extremely...

Do You Need a Dietitian?

Do You Need a Dietitian?

“Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, and you feed him for a lifetime.” — Italian proverb. Need more focused help with your eating plan? A registered dietitian (RD) or a registered dietitian nutritionist (RDN), which is actually one in...

Seven Lucky Reasons Why You Must Eat Your Greens

Seven Lucky Reasons Why You Must Eat Your Greens

Green foods are an extremely important part of a healthy diet. In fact, they can even make you feel lucky, because they have myriad key benefits. Moreover, it is easy to incorporate greens into any meal or smoothie –lucky and convenient!. For example, my morning...

Eat at least one meal a day for your immune system. — Brian Luke Seaward, Ph.D